If you are a frequent reader to my blog you know that I am a sucker for tags…
I found this lovely tag on @thissplendidshambles.com ! Apparently, Megan …
In February my blog is turning two! The time has gone by so incredibly…
I found this tag via @boundtowriting and it looked like so much fun that I…
I know I am constantly working on trying to become the best version of myse…
It's sweater weather outside and I am loving it! I love all things cozy…
I love Sephora . Basically, if you are a beauty supply store then I am there.…
It is the holiday season and with it comes gifting. A lot of times I have no…
The weather has been changing and nights are getting cold. It's also bee…
I cannot believe how fast November came and went. After two months of being…
One day, I will finish this challenge. I cannot believe that I still haven…