Hello, thank you for showing interest in learning a little bit more about me. My name is Emily and I live in the hot desert in Phoenix, Arizona with my little Shih Tzu Tinkerbell Marie and Maine Coon cat Peter Pan Gizmo (Passed Away Unexpectedly Sep 20th, 2024) I will never be the same without my cat. However, I still have my heart where I was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania. I have never really felt entirely at home in the desert. Tink is one bossy little pooch who loves spending reading time snuggled up on the bed or couch. Peter loves his snuggle time too while I read and blog (REST IN PEACE BUDDY). I can't bring myself to remove the best cat in the world from my bio.
 Reading is and always will be my favorite activity. I am also very passionate about movies, music, art, and mental health. My family is very musical and I also sing. I will admit that I usually like animals more than most people.
I also run and manage a book club on Facebook called The Nerdy Book Club we mainly discuss on the Geneva App.

From the time that I could speak... I always gravitated towards reading. I have my father to thank for my love of reading. He would read me stories every single night before bed. I quickly became engrossed in faraway lands and stories of princes and princesses. I secretly thought of myself as a princess, and sometimes I still do. Just like in the book A Little Princess, the main character Sara Crewe says it best, "All girls are! even if they live in tiny old attics, even if they dress in rags, even if they aren't pretty, or smart, or young, they're still princesses - all of us!"

As I became older, before even starting school, I began reading chapter books from a very young age. When I started elementary school, my teachers were impressed with my reading and writing skills. For as long as I can remember, reading and writing were huge passions of mine and all I ever wanted to do. In my schooling, I was always in honors English, and in high school, I was in AP college honors English. I gained college English credits before ever stepping on a college campus.

During my freshman year of college, I already had all of my English requirements done. I decided to take more English credits as electives despite not needing them because I loved reading so much. I seriously considered changing my major several times to English but ultimately ended up going down the mental health counseling field path.

In February of 2018, my blog was born. I desired to share my love of books with the world. Initially, I started on Booktube via YouTube. I learned that I could talk about books on the internet and possibly get free advanced reader copies from authors and publishers for writing reviews in return and this excited me tremendously! Book people are my people. It's where I feel I belong the most in this world. MY TRIBE! Occasionally, I will still post a video but I will admit that I am a little camera shy. Now, I gravitate more towards TikTok because the videos are a lot shorter and I do better with my camera shyness there. 

Since I love writing so much, I gravitated towards my blog and sharing my love of books that way. I love writing book reviews. It took me a little over a year to start gaining more of an audience on my blog and the connections that I have made. I worked for many hours to get my blog where it is today. I spent a lot of time marketing on social media. My main goal has always been to spread my love of books and to help authors promote their books along the way.

I taught myself most of the things you see on my blog. I learned how to code HTML and how to create a website, edit photos, and advertise on social media. I learned most of my HTML skills during my years on Myspace. (Yes, I am dating myself). Back when I used to make Myspace layouts. One day, after much deliberation, I decided to make my blog a source of income. Other bloggers do it I thought so why not me? I work just as hard as they do. I will never earn compensation for a dishonest review.

I started running ads on my blog and using affiliate links like so many other bloggers for income. If you think that you cannot make money from blogging you are seriously mistaken. There are a lot of ways that book bloggers and bloggers, in general, can be successful. You can too! I am always working hard on growing my blog and audience. Even though blogging never feels like a job to me it really is and takes a lot of dedication and hard work. A main passion of mine is helping out other bloggers with their blogs. I like teaching other bloggers how they can make money from home. Blogging is a great way to do just that! Blogging has been a godsend to me and my own mental health.

My blog has expanded my reading tastes and allowed me to make friends and meet other lovers of books. It has become one of the biggest blessings in my life. Never once, does this feel like a job to me because I love it so much. To me, my readers will always come first. Without you, I would not be where I am today.

My favorite book of all time is To Kill A Mocking Bird by Harper Lee. The first time I read the book in high school my mind felt like it exploded with emotion. Never have I loved a character more than Jeanne Louis Scout Finch. Reading has made me a better person.

These days, I have been turning to the romance and thriller genres the most. I am a sucker for all things romance and psychological thrillers! However, I will just about read anything. 
Helping authors and bloggers is a passion of mine. If you ever have any questions, I am always here to help. My site will always be for book lovers at its core. I am proud to be a part of the literary world. We are the greatest people after all! 

I would love it if you would become a subscriber or reader in any way to my blog. Let's discuss all things life and books! All of my social links are at the bottom of my website and this page. Feel free to start a chat with me. I love collaborating with other blogs and authors too. I am also honored and excited to announce as of late to be a part of one of my autobuy and favorite authors review team Mrs. Lauren Blakely! You can find her books here!

Some of my favorite books include:


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