I was tagged by the lovely chocoviv to do this tag. Anything fall-related m…
There is nothing that I hate more than being sick. Your girl is currently si…
As I was browsing the blogosphere.. this tag popped out at me. I grabbed th…
Lately, in the morning it's been very hard to get myself going or motiv…
There is nothing that I love more than decorating my little but cute condo. S…
My 26th birthday is right around the corner in Jan. Time goes by so incredib…
This challenge is taking me forever because I keep forgetting to do it. On…
Audiobooks are a lifesaver. Without them, I know I wouldn't read as many…
The fall is here! Autumn is my all-time favorite season. The leaves are chan…
Motivation is not my strong suit. Lately, laziness has been creeping up on m…
It's getting into the holiday season and that means HALLOWEEN! I l…
Finding quotes for inspiration is a favorite past time of mine. Especially o…
I track literally all my books and reading life on my Goodreads . The amoun…
October brings the fall and also HALLOWEEN! Spooky reads are some of my fa…
It is finally October and I am so excited for Halloween! The fall is my favo…
This is the second entry to the newest series on my blog. I thought it would…