I was tagged by the lovely chocoviv to do this tag. Anything fall-related makes me smile because it's my favorite season. So, when she tagged me... I knew that I needed to do it. Tags are some of my favorite posts to write. Thank you, readbytiffany for making this original tag.
Today was a rough day. I spent it in the hospital sick. The last thing that I wanted to happen to me was having to go to the ER while in Pennsylvania. However, I have had a virus for the last couple of days with flu and cold-like symptoms. Whenever I get sick, my diabetes tends to act up as well. Which is very common being sick. Somehow I always end up in the ER when I get a virus. Stress and anxiety will also release the hormone cortisol.. which in turn jacks up your sugar levels. It's pretty much a ticking time bomb and can be very serious.
Anyways, my blood sugar fasting was over 300 which can be very dangerous. I was peeing sugar and ketones in my urine... which is an indicator of diabetic ketoacidosis. Basically, your body can go into organ failure and you could go into a coma and die... or have a heart attack. My blood pressure was also pretty elevated. A trip to urgent care sent me to the hospital for further evaluation. I was crying and a mess. The whole reason that I am even in Pennsylvania in the first place is to help my Grandmother because she got a knee replacement. In return, she ended up helping me today. I am utterly grateful for her. However, with all the craziness that went on... we still managed to have a bunch of laughs.
We got lost in the huge hospital looking for the ER. She can barely walk with her cane. Meanwhile, I am supposed to be the patient. So, I have to go on another search throughout the hospital to find a wheelchair for her because she cannot walk anymore. I find one and end up pushing her into the ER while I am lightheaded with high blood sugar. I was on a mission to find that ER and get there. We were flying through that hospital once I put her into the wheelchair.
The one wheelchair ended up being too big for a door that we had to get through which was hilarious. So, I made her then get into another wheelchair again. It was a sight to be seen. Something that should have been documented. You would see something like it on tv or a reality show laughing. It's almost too funny to even describe... you just had to be there.
Everything ended up fine and I am safe at home in bed resting right now. After a lot of fluids and meds, my sugars finally ended up coming down. With lots of prayers, thank god, I was not in diabetic ketoacidosis. It's normal to pee sugar when your body is trying to eliminate access sugar so they weren't as concerned anymore but had to take that precaution and make sure I was okay. Like I said, the risk is going into a coma.
I also had blood in my urine but I have no infection there and they think maybe I am ovulating. I know this is a major rant of a post at this point but I had such an intense day. Between worrying about myself and my Grandma being in pain it was something else. Both of us made the most out of the situation.
My sugars are finally a little lower but this virus is still terrible. Nausea and stomach pain are the worst. I am barely able to eat anything. Flem galore is coming out of my nose. Do yourself a favor and get a flu shot because this is the worst. Here come more hospital bills to worry about that I cannot pay. Collections here I come again. I don't even want to begin to think about all the bills that I cannot pay. I needed fluids and there was no way around it. It is what it is. After all, it's just money.
The Rules
↠ Link back to Tiffany of Read by Tiffany in your post.↠ Feel free to use any of Tiffany’s graphics in your post, or create your own!
↠ Tag 7 other people at the end of your post, and let them know you’ve tagged them.

This is one of the newest best romance books that I have read. It's so deliciously good. You can't help but love this story. While reading, there were multiple times that I got giddy inside. It gave me tons of warm fuzzies inside. The Kiss Quotient is one of the only books that has ever made me feel like a complete sap when it comes to love. I was all for the cheesy parts. Which is very rare for me.

How could this book not warm your heart? It's essential for every child and mother to read this book at least once. It's still one of my favorites. My mom used to read this book to my Brother and I when we were younger. She would often cry while reading it to us.

I love the different mothers in this book. How they are all so sassy and different but in a good way.

This is still one of my favorite books. It makes me cry. John Green is one of my favorite authors and I will read anything that he publishes. He's such an amazing storyteller. The Fault In Our Stars deserves all the hype that it gets.

Do yourself a favor and please read the book before seeing the movie. Don't forget to watch the movie though too. It's still one of my favorites and it's my favorite Kathy Bates role that she has ever had. This is one of the greatest stories that I have ever read. I love everything about this novel. You will laugh and cry.

Thank you for listening to my health rant above. Hopefully, you found some good titles to check out from this list or some good books to re-read. Have you read any of the books above? What did you think? I would love to know in the comments down below. Feel free to do this tag even if I do not tag you and let me know. I would love to read your answers.
Wow, that hospital trip sounds terrible. I hope you feel better soon!
ReplyDeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
Thanks girl. It was one heck of a day.
DeleteOh, wow! So sorry that you ended up sick while you were trying to help your grandma. I hope everything ended up okay!
ReplyDeleteNicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
Yeah, just needed lots of fluids and rest. Being sick isn't fun.
DeletePlease refrain from rude or mean comments. They will be deleted. Lets spread love instead of hate<3